Phone Number



Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9AM - 8PM

Full Body Deep Tissue Massage
This deeply restorative massage is designed for tight, high tensioned and aching muscles, there is a combination of cross muscle fibre massage techniques are combined for there beneficial effects.

Full Body Swedish Massage
Swedish massage is one of the most popular styles of massages. It uses a range of massage techniques to stretch and stimulate muscles in order to remove tension and detox the muscle fibres.

Back, Neck and Shoulders
This 40 minute session is perfect for helping to soothe muscle soreness.
Massaging these high tension areas of the body encourages increased blood flow and oxygen which helps to soothe pain, reduce inflammation and loosen tense muscles.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us, for your free 30 minutes consultation to advise what treatment is best for you.