Phone Number



Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9AM - 8PM

Deep Tissue Massage
Enjoy a massage with more depth and weight to feel relief from chronic or acutely tight muscles. Delivered in a pain free way, Kate is a big believer in “no pain, much to gain” working with the body rather than against it. Incorporating relaxation, stretching and mobilisations to unwind restrictions and bring about balance.
Chose which areas you’d like to focus on in this treatment tailored to you.
45 mins £45
60 mins £55
90 mins £65

Back, Neck and Shoulders
One of the best Combinations for relieving tension in the upper body.
Ideal for countering stress, tension headaches and sleeplessness. Deeply relaxing and therapeutic.
45 mins. £45
60 mins. £55
90 mins. Not available

Bespoke massage
Enjoy a bespoke massage tailored just to your needs. Chose the pressure and areas of the body you’d like treated, then relax, unwind and enjoy this time just for you.
45 mins. £45
60 mins. £55
90 mins. Not available

Full Body
Take the weight of the world off your shoulders with a restful and blissfully relaxing full body massage.
This is the perfect treat, great for rebalancing energies and promoting restful sleep.
45 mins. Not available
60 mins. £55
90 mins. £65